Recent 3Practice Circles
Here is a Question I Am Done Being Asked
This is something I keep seeing that makes me wanna to say, "Yeh, maybe don’t do that…"
Book Circle . Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community? . Martin Luther King , Jr
What's your response to "Nothing is Fixed," the short poem by James Baldwin?
"Say Thank You Dammit! . Zelenskyy faces off with Trump + Vance in the Oval Office
What a Week … Here’s what’s on my mind as the week winds down…
What should we be talking about?
Here's how the state of the US looks to me from my part of the world right now . . .
Judge blocks Trump’s order blocking DEI ... So what....
Frenemies Circles . White Men Are...
Where is a place you have traveled that changed your life and how?
The Six Triple Eight — What’s in this story for you?
I could use some Good News about now......
If it doesn't get easier, how do we learn to do *difficult* better?
Here's how I can respect someone whose gender doesn't match what I expect.
If I thought they would listen, this is what I think the church needs to know
What has gender got to do with my body?
When I hear someone say [you fill in the blank], I just don't get where they're coming from...
Tell us about an issue you care about
They didn't tell me about Juneteenth, just like they didn't tell me about the Tulsa massacre and a whole lot more ... what were they thinking?
Agree or Disagree: "The poor can stop being poor if the rich are willing to become even richer at a slower rate." - Hyman Bookbinder
I'm not that kind of Christian (at least not anymore)
My friend believes the USA didn't land on the moon in 1969 and that the photos we see are faked - Heres how I plan to respond to this and/or other conspiratorial claims people pitch me!
I wish I knew then what I know now about (you fill in the blank)
Things being what they are, my hope…
Nearly everything Americans believe about the economy seems to be wrong … How is that possible?
When did someone convince you to think differently?
What's your understanding/experience of racism against white people?
When political leaders decline to say they'll abide by state-certified election results, does that make them anarchists, patriots, anti-states-rights, or something else?
What can/should change about DEI initiatives?
What book, movie or show has recently impacted your life?
What are you longing for?
Here's what I hope people say at my funeral...
Apple Pie: Neat, Ice Cream or Cheese?
If voting were restricted to women only, what would you expect to happen in the elections this fall?
Who are *they* and what would you like to tell them?
Do you think the NY trial of Donald Trump for falsifying business records to hide criminal conduct is a sham?
From where I sit, this is my impression of the state of play in higher education.
Who says I can't be pro-Israeli AND pro-Palestinian?
As a black person, when I see college students protest, get arrested and put their academic careers at risk on behalf of Palestinians and Israelis here's what I find myself wondering...
Here's my experience of quiet wonder...
If the Apostle Paul could see the American Christian church, they’d be getting a letter right now.
Where is a place you have traveled that changed your life and how?
What does getting old look like to you?
Maybe *this* is why my white American friends don't want to talk about Israelis and Palestinians…
Here's something I've heard/watched/read that I can't stop thinking about.
Several universities are canceling/modifying traditional graduation ceremonies — and this is what I think about that…
Who are 'they' and what are you afraid they're missing?
What's something you learned the hard way?
What is the best land use of rural land in America?
Is the #MeToo movement effectively addressing issues of sexual harassment and assault, or has it led to unfair public condemnation and erosion of due process?
Do Palestinians really have to lose for Israelis to win?
Is calling for 'Staying in the Room with Difference' a sign of privilege?
If I thought they would listen, this is what I’d tell the people who lead my organization, gov't, church, family…
Why should you cultivate creativity in your small business?
What is invisible, which you'd like to be visible?
What truths do you believe are undeniable in a post-truth world?
Should social media platforms be regulated by governments to prevent the spread of misinformation and hate speech?
I wish I could tell my younger self that...
Who/What hurts … helps … heals you?
If I could be remembered for one thing, I’d like it to be...
Is Lose/Lose *really* the only outcome for Israelis and Palestinians?
I like to use the bible as a fiction / non-fiction resource in my personal life … here’s why.
Should prostitution be legalized and regulated as a profession?
If I could have any superpower for a day, this is the one I would choose and how I would you use it.
I support/don't support DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) because...
Here’s what I’m doing to address the lack of viewpoint diversity in my world…
Dream Job . If I had my way, this is the kind of work I’d be doing...
One candidate said there’s no challenge Americans can’t overcome when we work together; the other said he alone can fix what’s wrong with America. Which vision do you find more compelling?
Homeschooling : Beneficial for children's education, or does it hinder their social development?
Here's a time music crossed the divide...
Here's what's giving me joy right now…
Why would a woman vote Republican ... or ... Democrat?
Does a college degree matter? As the cost of a degree rises, is a college education worth the expense?
Evangelical is synonymous with…
Phrases That Raised Us
If I knew then what I know now…
I wish my head could tell my heart___
Can a Person Pray Away Mental Health Problems?
Gender roles are just another byproduct of white Christian nationalism, am I right?
What is the best way to deal with the political divide in America?
What I said...what I wish I'd said...
LBGTQ+ People in Church Leadership Positions - Yes or No?
This is how I feel about my family right now
If you’re not woke, you’re not awake … discuss
Purity Culture protects or destroys?
What do you want to talk about?
How do we talk extremists off the ledge and look for workable middle ground?
I didn't expect to lose this friend
Is ‘It’s against my religion, so I can’t do it’ the same as 'It’s against my religion, so *you* can’t do it’? [h/t @lainey.molnar] .
Bad theology kills...agree or disagree?
What IS good enough?
Jordan Peterson isn't as scary as some people make him out to be. Am I right?
In the light of what’s gone on this summer, what do you think about the threat of civil war?
Will Smith Apology Video: Can we see humans as more than the worst thing they've ever done?
How do you know when you are being authentic or fake? Bonus: When do you notice you are being authentic vs fake?
Consent is a simple yes or no: true or false?
This is where I find joy
How do predictive online algorithms change how we interact with and view people who see things differently?
The poor can stop being poor if the rich are willing to become even richer at a slower rate. Discuss
Is talk of civil war overblown, or can you see America dividing into autonomous regions by treaty or by force?
Seeing The Republicans who spoke openly under oath before the January 6th Committee leaves me feeling…
How do we create conditions and policies that support the flourishing of mothers and children?
Here is where I find hope
Trigger Warning: Rape + Abortion . Will you compel your daughter to give birth if, God forbid, she is raped and impregnated in a jurisdiction where that’s the law?
Do you have to be for a total ban on abortions, (no exceptions), to be pro-life?
Here's what I would tell my younger self
Post Roe v. Wade, I feel…
Here's how I feel about my body right now...
And that's when I had to admit, I really like being comfortable.
That's when I realized I was just like my parents
Has the American two-party system outlived its usefulness?
Here's the story of a sacred moment from this week
Can you be awake and not be woke?
This is Why it's Important that we Talk About Abortion
If it exists... where is the middle ground on guns rights/control for you?
Mass shootings…as American as Apple Pie?
What can we do as a society to best promote the safety and well-being of children?
This is a spiritual practice that has become meaningful to me
Two years after the murder of George Floyd, what have we learned?
Who are 'They' and what would you tell them if you thought they would listen?
How do you think poor people can stop being poor?
I’m ready to talk about 'The Great Replacement' theory
What do we teach our boys about toxic masculinity?
Read it Yourself: What does Roe v. Wade Actually Say?
We have to stop treating slavery as a footnote to American history and truly wrestle with how it continues to shape our nation
What do you regret not doing when you were younger?
What I said … What I wish I’d said.
Because I simply can't go to Church anymore, _______ is what I do to nourish my soul.
What do you want for your country?
This is what would change if my voice were heard:
I’m not that kind of…
Letter from a Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, jr.
Why can't I talk to my conservative friends about _______?
Here's why a decolonizing curriculum is important to me
The hardest thing about being someone different than my parents expected was…
Why can’t we talk to each other?
When is one person’s gender pronoun another person’s business?
This is what I mean when I say men and women are equal
Clean Needle Exchange — Harm Reduction or Free Pass?
I Am Still Here Book Insight Circle
What are you smiling about?
Why do we ALL agree with supporting our homeless neighbors until they become our neighbors?
Women: What do true allies look like to you?
Why can't I talk to my liberal friends about ___________?
What role does forgiveness play in the quest for greater equity?
Is it OK for the Left to influence how race and gender are taught in schools, but not the Right?
Has We the People become I the Person?
If they knew what I really thought about race…
The foundations of my identity were solid until...
What’s the difference between political correctness + common courtesy?
What role does forgiveness play in the quest for greater equity?
Is it OK for the Left to influence how race and gender are taught in schools, but not the Right?
Has We the People become I the Person?
The foundations of my identity were solid until...
What’s the difference between political correctness + common courtesy?
I'll Believe the Church is Reforming When I See_______
This is when I knew my gender or my race mattered
... And that’s when I knew I had found my political home.
Can There Be Racial Reconciliation Without a Reckoning?
Here's the best thing I saw this week
What Have You Lost?
Is Liberal Hypocrisy Fueling American Inequality?
What have you learned about yourself as you've learned more about people who are racially different from you? - The Skin Deep
Explicitly recruiting for diversity. What could go wrong?
People of Color — how far can you trust a White ally … and how do you know?
So, throw out what we’ve learned about history and people’s lived experience because White people are uncomfortable … is that what we’re saying?
If people in my childhood faith were in charge, this is how I think the world might look in 100 years.
What should our conversations about race look like in 2022?
I Have Friends Who Are Vaccine Resistant/Hesitant... This is what they tell me
Acknowledging Racism Is About Saving White People's Souls. Am I right?
Here’s a decision I really regret — and here’s why I wouldn’t change it
I vote, but here's what I wonder about...
How has your preferred political party made the world better?
Here's what bothers me about the party I voted for in the last election...
Here's what I'd tell my teacher(s) if I thought they'd listen.
January 06 … What I thought then . What I think now.
This is what COVID cost me
This is what I think you think I think about abortion…
If I thought they would listen, this is what I’d tell the people who lead my organization, government, church, or family
Do white men need to change for there to be racial, gender, and economic equality?
This is what I’m thankful for…
What have you learned about getting along with people you love (but sometimes can’t stand)?
Have you ever been subject to a bias from someone in your own community?
How will woke-ism impact our society in the future?
A light bulb moment for me in preserving my relationship with my child was . . .
This is where I think people who agree with me about Critical Race Theory sometimes misunderstand - or misrepresent - the other side.
Christian Marxist - an Oxymoron, Right?
When does free speech become hate speech?Who’s Afraid of Critical Race Theory?
I knew I needed to reconstruct my faith when . . .
What if women were in charge … of everything?
I wish my organization would openly discuss…
Here’s how I learned the difference between being nice and being kind…
Bill of Rights — Done … What about a Bill of Responsibilities?
I’m still angry because…
This is what it cost me when I told the truth…
This land is your land, this land is my land. Was it ever true?
Easy for you to say…
...this is when I realized that patriotism means different things to different people.
Medical Assistance in Dying … Is It Inherently Undignified?
Where’s the evidence that all lives matter?
If I knew then what I know now…
Can non-Israelis criticize Israel’s actions without being anti-Semitic?
This is how I came to understand the power of forgiveness in my life.
Who Can Say the ’N’ Word?
White people want to talk about cancel culture … Black, Indigenous, People of Color already had their cultures canceled in North America, right?
Politics are Red & Blue but Purple is best... am I right?
Who are They and What Are You Afraid They’d Do if They Thought They Could Get Away with It?
What Will It Take To Unite Us Now?
I've graduated from religion... is that ok?
Why Can’t We Talk to Each Other?
Cancel Culture — Are You Being Silenced?
Is homelessness a choice?
Are there unearned privileges that come with waking up white in America?
If I feed the poor, I’m a saint. If I ask, why they’re poor, I’m a Communist... so what gives?
Just forgive and forget — it’s the only way our country can reconcile, unite, and move forward… right?
If Just being White Makes me Racist - How Did that Happen?
Which is the greater danger to American democracy, voter fraud or voter suppression?
Is there a difference between 'pro-life' and 'pro-birth'?
Better Policing means More Policing — Am I right?