Upcoming Circles

Open 3Practice Zoom Circles are free . We require registration to discourage trolls

If you see a problem with a link, please let us know

Tue . Jan 21 . 7p NY . 6p Chi . 5p Den . 4p LA

Exercise Circle # 2 "Visio Divinia"

A 3Practice Circle with Jeff Smith

Visio Divina is the slow, thoughtful contemplation of a picture, photo, work of art, or really anything visual that speaks to you in a deeper way. The picture is here.


Mon . Jan 22 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

Was Jesus Woke?**

A 3Practice Circle with Jim Hancock + Friends


Wed . Jan 22 . 7p NY . 6p Chi . 5p Den . 4p LA

Lament Circle # 3 "If only..."

A 3Practice Lament Circle with Jeff Smith

A safe space where we give voice to our lament - the deep sorrow we feel over losing someone or something important.


Wed . Jan 22 . 8.30p NY . 7.30p Chi . 6.30p Den . 5.30p LA

Frenemies Episode II . Yes, I Voted For__________. Featuring Fred Lynch and Darren Lucas

Two Black Men Voted … Both Think They Got It Right . A 3Practice Circle refereed by Tabitha Baty + Jim Henderson


Thu . Jan 23 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

Profit over People - what's the real problem here?

A 3Practice Discovery Circle refereed by Teresa Edwards and friends.


Thu . Jan 23 . 7p NY . 6p Chi . 5p Den . 4p LA

Who Changed Your Life?

A 3Practice Circle with Jeff Smith . Notes Here.


Fri . Jan 24 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

What a Week … What’s on your mind as the week winds down?

A 3Practice Circle with Teresa Edwards + Jim Hancock


Mon . Jan 27 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

Hot Take . One week into the new Trump Administration, I’m thinking/feeling/anticipating…

A 3Practice Circle with Jim Hancock + Friends


Tue . Jan 28 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

Why are Americans so sick (when they spend so much on health care)?

A 3Practice Circle with Jim Hancock + Friends


Wed . Jan 29 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

If I didn't need to worry about earning a living, I would love to dedicate my time to...

A 3 Practice Discovery Circle Reffed by Michelle Bodle + Elaine Bearden


Thu . Jan 30 . 6p Johannesburg . 5p London . Noon NY . 11a Chi . 10a Den . 9a LA

What should we be talking about right now?

A 3Practice Discovery Circle refereed by Christie Harrison + Teresa Edwards


Fri . Jan 31 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

What a Week … What’s on your mind as the week winds down?

A 3Practice Circle with Teresa Edwards + Jim Hancock


Mon . Feb 10 . 9.30p NY . 8.30p Chi . 7.30p Den . 6.30p LA

Are You Ok?

A 3Practices Discovery Circle with Tom Berry . Jaqui Eicher . Elaine Bearden


Wed . Feb 12 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

What is invisible, which you'd like to be visible?

A 3Practice Discovery Circle refereed by Michelle Bodle + Elaine Bearden


Fri . Feb 14 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

What a Week … What’s on your mind as the week winds down?

A 3Practice Circle with Teresa Edwards + Jim Hancock


Wed . Feb 19 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

Where is a place you have traveled that changed your life and how?

A 3 Practice Discovery Circle referred by Michelle Bodle + Elaine Bearden


Fri . Feb 21 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

What a Week … What’s on your mind as the week winds down?

A 3Practice Circle with Teresa Edwards + Jim Hancock


Wed . Feb 26 . 6p Johannesburg . 5p London . Noon NY . 11a Chi . 10a Den . 9a LA

Ombuds Only Circle

A 3Practice Circle exploring practices and concerns of organizational ombudspeople . With Nashira Abrahams + Tina Jones

Registration for Organizational Ombudspeople

Wed . Mar 26 . 6p Johannesburg . 5p London . Noon NY . 11a Chi . 10a Den . 9a LA

Ombuds Only Circle

A 3Practice Circle exploring practices and concerns of organizational ombudspeople . With Nashira Abrahams + Tina Jones

Registration for Organizational Ombudspeople

Wed . Apr 23 . 6p Johannesburg . 5p London . Noon NY . 11a Chi . 10a Den . 9a LA

Ombuds Only Circle

A 3Practice Circle exploring practices and concerns of organizational ombudspeople . With Nashira Abrahams + Tina Jones

Registration for Organizational Ombudspeople

* Insight Circles

3Practice Insight Circles are based on publicly available books, videos, speeches, articles, visual art, and other sources.

People who’ve interacted with the source personally may take two minutes to express their thoughts in the Circle, and then answer Clarifying Questions from others.

Anyone may ask Clarifying Questions, beginning with the words, “I’d be curious to know.”

As always, no one is required to speak.

** Religious Themes

Some folks bring religious sensibilities to 3Practice Circles, and some Circles address explicitly religious themes.

Don’t read too much into that. By design, 3Practice Circles are neither religious nor non-religious.

That said, if you use religious jargon, you may find that others don’t know what you’re talking about. So, if your goal is clarity, start with your vocabulary.

In any event, whatever our beliefs, politics, and lived experience, nobody speaks for anyone else in 3Practice Circles.