Upcoming Circles

Open 3Practice Zoom Circles are free . We require registration to discourage trolls

If you see a problem with a link, please let us know

The next couple of weeks will be quiet in 3Practice Circle-land. We’ll kick off again on Friday, January 3rd.

This year, 3Practice Circle Referees convened nearly 400 open Zoom Circles[*] and countless private real-world circles in their communities, organizations and institutions. [**]

All those Refs use 3Practice Circles — whether open or private — as a tool to help them do what they’re already doing to help people find clarity and connection across the boundaries and barriers that, let’s face it, make it harder to get along than it has to be.

For all this, we are grateful at the closing of the year.

Our first Open Referee Training Cohort of 2025Open means anyone may register — is January 07 . 09 . 14 . 16 . 21 + 23 . from 3 - 5p Pacific.

Reffing isn’t for everyone, but it may be for you, or someone you know. If now seems like a good time for you or somebody in your organization to start reffing circles for your relational network,

Here are the details . Let us know if you have questions

Thanks for all you do to make the world a little better,

Jim Henderson + Jim Hancock for the 3Practice Circle Ref Community


[*] 392, if you’re keeping score at home

[**] Some of those real-world spaces might surprise you — in higher education, hospitals, government agencies, and religious communities. The number is countless in that we don’t keep count … we happened to learn that a Ref in the Office of the President of the University of California convened 20 internal circles in the year after they were certified (a fact we’d have no reason to know had they not told us).

Fri . Jan 03 . 9p Johannesburg . 8p London . 3p NY . Noon LA

What a Year . Here’s a reflection on 2024 as the New Year Dawns

A 3Practice Discovery Circle with Teresa Edwards + Jim Hancock


Wed . Jan 08 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

Here is where I find hope

A 3Practice Circle referred by Michelle Bodle


Wed . Jan 29 . 3p NY . 2p Chi . 1p Den . Noon LA

If I didn't need to worry about earning a living, I would love to dedicate my time to...

A 3 Practice Discovery Circle Reffed by Michelle Bodle


* Insight Circles

3Practice Insight Circles are based on publicly available books, videos, speeches, articles, visual art, and other sources.

People who’ve interacted with the source personally may take two minutes to express their thoughts in the Circle, and then answer Clarifying Questions from others.

Anyone may ask Clarifying Questions, beginning with the words, “I’d be curious to know.”

As always, no one is required to speak.

** Religious Themes

Some folks bring religious sensibilities to 3Practice Circles, and some Circles address explicitly religious themes.

Don’t read too much into that. By design, 3Practice Circles are neither religious nor non-religious.

That said, if you use religious jargon, you may find that others don’t know what you’re talking about. So, if your goal is clarity, start with your vocabulary.

In any event, whatever our beliefs, politics, and lived experience, nobody speaks for anyone else in 3Practice Circles.